Foster Cats in Your Home

Foster parents have the unique opportunity to personally help our rescued kittens and cats heal both emotionally and physically from whatever trauma they have been through.

Many fosters are cat lovers who are stepping forward to “do the right thing” by homeless cats in their neighborhood. Sometimes these animals come right to our doors…somehow “knowing” where there’s a heart that will reach out to them. They are the cats whose owners moved away and simply abandoned them, not understanding why their home has disappeared, but now must scavenge for food and shelter to survive. They are the kittens born to somebody’s unspayed pet and left in gutters, dumpsters, vacant lots…in the hopes that they will die quickly as a “disposable” inconvenience. They are the kittens delivered by stray cats who are abandoned because their mother is too ill or inexperienced to raise them. They are the cats lost, forgotten, and unanswered for by protective forces.

People who choose to foster do so because they know that if they don’t step up to the plate, the fate of these animals is either sub-par living conditions or death. They feel good knowing they are making the difference, every minute and every day, in the life of an innocent soul; that a few months of inconvenience turns quickly into a rewarding, educational, challenging, and fun experience they will never forget. While it’s true that fosters do get very attached to their animals, they also find a special joy in sending a pet to a wonderful new family.

CONSIDERING BECOMING A FOSTER PARENT? Interested in fostering a cat or kitten in need? If you have an interest in becoming a foster through our group, please contact us. There are so many cats that need rescuing and care. If you would like to find out more about fostering, please e-mail us today!

To Begin Fostering a Cat

To begin fostering a cat, please fill out our foster application form and return it to us. This interactive PDF can be printed and completed or filled out online and then printed or saved.

Foster Application Form Foster Application Form

Once you have completed the application, please return it to us in person, by fax or by email. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.